Principals Message
Welcome to Morris Early Childhood Center! We are very happy to expand our Milford School District's dual language immersion program with the addition of a second cohort. Now, four classrooms will participate in this program, while continuing to increase cultural awareness and learning throughout every classroom in our school. Our focus this year is to spotlight the welcoming culture of our school, our staff and our community. Our goal is to include students, families & the community members in our ongoing efforts to increase students' academic success! Morris Early Childhood Center is a place for Milford's youngest learners to call home. We want to extend our sincere thanks for all that the families do to support your child's education. Please let us know if there is ever anything we can do to assist you as the year goes on. We are here to help! We have a dedicated staff, comprised of teachers, support personnel, office staff, nurses, counselors, cafeteria staff & custodians who are committed to making this the best experience possible for your child.
We look forward to working with you as your child begins his/her school career!